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You may contact seller using the comment box. Products will later be couriered to you once there is understanding. You may book your interested product and pay in advance as down payment before we can send the product(s) where you can do the final payment on site. Please be aware that unless they are new products, some of the used ones are in some instance worn, but functional, unless stated or mentioned.
Kami percaya dengan memberikan service terbaik agar kami bisa tetap melayani pelanggan kami. Karena ini kami ingin memastikan agar pengalaman berbelanja dengan kami selalu baik. Kami memastikan produk kami adalah produk benar sehingga kami menyuport semua produk tersebut.
All other products besides marked Jual - For Sale may be bid or asked. You simply can contact seller using the comment button below each offer.
Semua barang selain yang bertanda Jual - For Sale ada kemungkinan bisa di jual atau ditanyakan dahulu. Secara mudah anda dapat menghubungi penjual dengan mengisi komen dibawah setiap article penawaran.